• Incorporated October 19 •First Reproductive Justice Org. in Tennessee
•Connected with community advocates, local funders, medical providers, etc. •Received Ibis Reproductive Health funding to research AA women and birth control – 1st research project •Began RJ framework and media outreach
• Rolled out Youth Ambassadors • Partner with local coalitions; built sex ed. Programs in schools/churches • Co-funded Healthy & Free TN
•Funded to mobilize Black communities around Amendment One •Hire first staffer •Join fight against Fetal Assault Law
•Released research report on the need for comprehensive sexuality education for southern youth of color •Coordinated ProWoman Billboard campaign in opposition to anti-abortion campaign targeting Black fathers
• Rolled out a national faith and advocacy curriculum to educate and mobilize faith communities, laity and advocates on human rights using a reproductive justice lens • Presented to the United Nations Working Group on the Issue of Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice (UNWGDAW) regarding the impact of the fetal assault law on Tennessee women. • Our work with state and national partners on fetal assault law led to a victory of defeating HB 1660 which criminalized mothers struggling with drug addiction during the 2016 legislative session • Rolled out 1st Black Folks Day on the Hill • Joined In Our Own Voice: Nat’l Black RJ Collective • Rolled out 1st LGBT-centered program: BOITALK • Coordinated Soulful Justice Fundraiser for Flint Water Crisis
•Partnered with Black Mamas Matter, featured in The Root •Rolled out Deep South Network •Conducted Fetal Assault Research Project
•Deep South Regional RoundTable rolls out collation-wide Black Folks Day on the Hill •Featured in O Magazine and Essence for RJ work •Rolled out RJ & Faith Curriculum Training National Tour
• Received recognition from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the 2019 ACOG National Conference • Released research report on the failings and impact of Tennessee's Fetal Assault Law of 2014-16 • Released statewide polling data on Tennesseans' interest in comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education for youth and young adults
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